Y! Widgets を HTML で作れるようになった!

Yahoo! Widgets

Version 4.5


Yes! We've added HTML support to Konfabulator! It is provided by an embedded version of WebKit, the open-source engine that is also the basis of Apple's Safari browser.

HTML objects behave like other Konfabulator objects. The content of an HTML object can be manipulated at will, and standard Konfabulator effects, such as rotation or transparency, can be applied. It is also possible to invoke Konfabulator functionality via JavaScript from within an HTML object. This allows a developer to create the entire Widget UI using HTML and Ajax.

For security reasons, only local HTML (HTML that is included in the Widget bundle) can access Konfabulator functionality. Remote HTML (HTML fetched from the Internet) is strictly sandboxed.

むぁじ? ちょっと今試すヒマないけど。


Known Issues

  1. On Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard), a call to Flash's IsPlaying() method always returns false ' even if the Flash object is, in fact, playing.
  2. Flash's readystate reporting cycles through all five states, even if the Flash movie does not exist.
  3. Flash quality method is not returning proper information.
  4. HTML is not supported on Windows 2000 or Mac OS 10.3.9
  5. No IME support for Flash or HTML


そうか、ほんとに WebKit なんだな。OSX 10.3 でも Win2k でも動かないし日本語の入力はできない、と。
